Rachel Simpson

Our Facebook page, GridFree NZ, is full of awesome off-gridders who are keen to share their lives with the community! Every two weeks we ask them share their best photos with us on theme, and the community picks the winners with Likes!

In this edition of GridFree Moments, we asked them to share a photo of their best view from their off-grid location, and we got some real stunners!

The winner is Eddie Willison with this breathtaking panorama of his place and the ocean:

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First runner up is Shanz Moke with this photo looking back from her whare to the whānau urupa:

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Next is this gorgeous photo taken from Chantelle Wheaton's back deck: 

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Then Marion Wainman's photo of the Southern Alps in winter:

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Brendon Faulkner's view of waking up in Tinopai was another group favourite:

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And Ree Eddy's view from the outdoor kitchen:

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