"It has been about 9 to 10 months since I installed my Freedom Kit solar power system, and it has been a great experience for me as a first time user of solar power. We are fully dependent on our solar system, living off the grid fulltime.

With our Freedom Kit there are highs and lows to solar power, but the highs outweigh the lows. The lows I talk about is power use during winter - as there is less sun in those months I have to be a little conservative with power, but as for the highs? No hundreds of dollars in paying power bills to a company and no power cuts thanks to being off-grid and being the only ones using it.

It is only me and my wife that use our Freedom Kit, and we are running our fridge-freezer and freezer 24 hours a day plus our internet. We do have other electricals we use everyday, like phone charging, Sky television, our 85inch 4k smart android tv, and a few other things we use now and then such as laptops etc...

So overall it has been one of the best investments money can buy. To go on the grid with a power company would have been $40,000 - to hook up my "GridFree Freedom Kit" was $10,500.

Thank you Zed & GridFree store."